Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thank YOU for being a friend.

I watch Golden Girls. A lot. Like it's almost committable. I lay on my awesomely awesome L shaped sectional couch (in the corner of course, near the window so I can look at my neighbors), and just envision an older version of me eating one of a million cheesecakes with the now deceased Blanche & Sophia and lone survivor Rose, knowing deep down that I'd be Dorothy. We share a lot of the same characteristics. We're HILARIOUS and devilishly sarcastic, we do not do well in the men department, our mothers are insane and hilarious, we love cheesecake.. etc. The list could go on. Her and Sophia were always my favorite characters. Their relationship reminded me a lot of my mother and I. We could sting with our one liners, laugh at our sarcasm and then just love that we're in each others lives. Not very often for the latter, since we're good at hiding those kinds of emotions.

Now that I've cleared up which Girl of the Gold I would be, I wonder who would be my Blanche and Rose? I don't have any stupid friends, that's for sure. And they're all pretty fantastic in their own right. I used to know some sluts but I don't really like the slutty girls. They make me feel bad about myself cause I'm not gettin' any so I tend to not to allow such atrocities in my life. But who knows? When you're in your late 50's/early 60's and husbands pass away or divorce happens, anyone has the chance to be a slut. So maybe the part of Blanche could potentially be portrayed by anyone I know? I am starting to wonder now. That just leaves us with Rose. The loveable dimwit. I don't think any of my friends would jump at the chance to be Rose and I wouldn't feel comfortable casting someone as her. I guess I will just have to see when I get there.

I love my friends. They are the greatest support system I could ever have asked for. From a standing dinner date every week, to a weekend visit filled with laughter and some surprise visits in between, I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends. I love you all and I hope each and every one of you becomes my Rose or Blanche.

Fuck, I'm mushy today.

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